Jill and Mitchell

Wedding Date: October 6th 2023

This was the party of a lifetime. How would I even sum up this day? Joy and love? Absolutely. Fun and hilarity? Of course! But when it comes right down to it, it’s really all about Elvis…

From the first moment I met Jill I knew she brought fun and adventure with her everywhere she went. Her infectious personality makes you instantly smile and want to be her best friend. Mitchell was helpless against her charm and fell head over heels in love. He’s her perfect match. He’s the quiet sincerity to her big laughter and I couldn’t think of a better pairing. I knew I was in for a ton of fun with these two and couldn’t wait for their big day to arrive. 

I drove up north to meet them at one of my favorite getaway spots, Grand View Lodge. When I pulled up to the cabins, I could hear laughter coming from one situated next to the shore. There stood Jill, surrounded by her loved ones and beaming from ear to ear. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen someone so excited and genuinely full of joy on the morning of their wedding. After a round of introductions and hugs, Jill put on her dress and revealed her look to the bridesmaids who were patiently waiting in the other room. They gasped and cheered as they grabbed a glass to toast to the bride. Jill had brought her favorite bright pink couch from home to add a little touch of her personality to the space and I think she nailed it. Head thrown back in laughter, mimosa in hand, sitting on her pink couch in her wedding dress; this is how I picture Jill from this moment forward and I can’t help but smile every single time I think about it. 

My dear friend Garrett joined me as a second photographer and the two of us couldn’t stop smiling from the moment we arrived. This felt like all the best people were gathered in one place and I had the fortunate job to capture this momentous day. When it came time for Jill and Mitchell’s first look, I walked Mitchell to the patio facing the water and shared some sage groom-wisdom as Jill caught her breath in the doorway. He smiled and closed his eyes as she held her chest as tears escaped her tightly shut eyes. But then the moment they embraced each other all the nerves and tears were washed away and only smiles and laughter remained. They cozied up to one another as we walked out onto the dock. My job was to make it look warm and sunny, but spoiler alert, it was absolutely freezing. However, no cold could stop these two from enjoying themselves as they laughed and held each other close. 

We met up with their wedding party and a few friends, two of which became my official hype-men for the day. They followed us around energizing the crowd and making everyone laugh. Can I hire them for every wedding? Jill and Mitchell didn’t have a care in the world as we flitted from one spot to another around the property that was looking increasingly like fall was officially here. Colorful leaves dotted the horizon and the big blue sky filled my lens. Friends and family arrived from all over the country and started to find their seats for the outdoor ceremony as we finished up outside and retreated back indoors. Everyone bundled up against the wind coming off the lake, but the second Jill walked down the aisle, her warmth brought a smile to everyone's face and suddenly no one noticed the cold any longer. Their ceremony was super sweet and personal and the officiant had them laughing uncontrollably which made everyone else join in too. It was so classically them. 

As soon as the ceremony had finished, they wanted to take a victory lap around the lake to celebrate. We boarded pontoons, grabbed our jackets, a few drinks, and were off to cheer on the happy pair! It felt like the kind of party you see in a movie and the one you want to join. Everyone was laughing and having a great time while the shoreline crawled by as the sun started to set. Back inside, guests were treated to a feast for the eyes with a place to take VIP photos and a record wall showcasing all of their favorites. When they were announced to the crowd, another special guest made an appearance… none other than a fantastic Elvis impersonator who serenaded the couple and showed off his best dance moves. Before I knew it, Elvis was leading a conga line and my hype-men were there making sure the crowd participated. I told you this was a great crew! The music was stellar and the crowd didn’t leave the dance floor. At the end of the night, I’m not sure which worked harder, my dancing skills or my cheeks from laughing so hard all day. Either way, it’s definitely a mark of an amazing day with incredible people.

Merina Burda