Romance and Alex Engagement

Romance and Alex were the winners of the amazing Minnesota Bride Wedding Contest to honor a deserving couple in the area. They’re starting out as a new family unit so they asked to bring their son along since the session just wouldn’t be the same without him. He’s the core of their family and his bright smile is contagious. I met them at one of my favorite parks and we started off with the whole family. After they were done running and playing a bit, I had my new little helper by my side so I could focus on the couple for the next portion of the session. They made a quick wardrobe change before we ventured out onto the timeless wood boardwalk of the wetland preserve. Being spring, everything was starting to bloom and the bright green leaves were the perfect compliment to their attire. Their son helped direct them during their session and brought a genuine smile to everyone's face. As we were wrapping up, we came across an early cherry blossom bloom and couldn’t pass up the opportunity. 

Want to see more? Check out their gorgeous wedding here!

Merina Burda